Skype: gamble-trick
Phone Number (WhatsApp): +86 15099951380

One to One contact lenses and marked cards
One to One contact lenses
One to one contact lenses is a kind of latest contact lenses which can see the unique invisible marks on the back of the marked cards. With naked eyes,infrared contact lenses, UV contact lenses, this unique special marked cards are undetectable.

One to one camera
One to one camera
What a surprise! recently with the painstaking effort of Gambletrick's technical staff, A very sophisticated camera was brougt out. This is the exclusive camera from our company. Only with our special camera, you can see the invisible marks on the previously marked plastic or paper cards. With other any kind of special contact lenses, UV detecting lamp or other infrared camera, those marked cards are undetectable at all. With this special camera, you will be the only one know each card previously. You can make the wisest decision during the poker game.

Perspective table
Perspective table
Perspective table is a kind of table which looks like a standard Texas Holdem table. It is totally unnecessary for you to mark the playing cards on the table. You can see through the each card.This perspective table can be applied into any game. Ahahah, with this perspective table, you will be the king in the all the poker games.

exclusive scanning lens
exclusive scanning lens
Compared to all the fast-making scanning lens, the scanning lens from Gambletrick has the advantage of scanning larger area than before. The length can be 30cm. The maximum distance can reach as long as 60cm. Or The width can be 24cm.
It makes your Texas Holdem and Omaha scanning system practical.


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